Workplace Issues

Below is a list of questions that you need to honestly ask yourself. Your answer can be either "Yes" or "No" or "Sometimes"

Q1. Does your workplace environment cause you to suppress your emotions leading to emotional / physical disturbance?

Q2. Do your fears and phobias stop you from moving ahead in your career?

Q3. Is your intolerant attitude at workplace harming your reputation?

Q4. Do you find it difficult to say a NO to your Boss / colleagues even though you are loaded with work?

Q5. Do you find it difficult to stand up to authority figures (boss / in - laws etc.)?

Q6. Are you not progressing at work because of your inability to take decisions?

Q7. Is your out of control behaviour affecting your professional life?

Q8. Do you keep on repeating the same mistakes at your workplace because of which your progress is on hold?

Q9. Do people see you as very possessive and selfish at workplace?

Q10. Do you find yourself day dreaming at work due to which your productivity is affected?

Q11. Do you feel burdened at workplace due to excessive responsibilities?

Q12. Do you get easily discouraged when things do not move according to you at workplace?

Q13. Are you stressed because you have exaggerated sense of ambition?

Q14. Do you feel that you come across as a person with a weak will and a weak personality at your workplace?

Q15. Do you feel a sense of hopelessness at your workplace?

Q16. Do you feel bad when you are not given attention or not acknowledged at your workplace?

Q17. Do you easily get irritated or lose your temper at workplace?

Q18. At workplace, do you often miss your ex - employer / ex - boss or a ex - colleague so you are unable to give your best?

Q19. Do you have Monday morning blues or Do you often feel lack of interest in work?

Q20. Are you very hasty, impatient, rushed at your workplace leading to rash decisions?

Q21. Are you losing out on opportunities at workplace due to low self - confidence?

Q22. Do you have fear of losing your job / business?

Q23. Have colleagues at workplace called you moody?

Q24. Do you stretch yourself beyond a limit at workplace?

Q25. Do you feel physically exhausted at your workplace?

Q26. Do you feel guilty when your work is not completed on time?

Q27. Are you unduly worried about your colleagues at work?

Q28. Do you get into a panic situation when you have to face your boss?

Q29. Do you have self - reproach when you are unable to fulfill high expectations that you have set for yourself at workplace?

Q30. Are you losing out on opportunities at workplace because you are unable to take decisions?

Q31. Do situations at workplace put you on high alert because of despair?

Q32. Have you ever suffered mental / emotional / physical trauma at your workplace and are still carrying it?

Q33. Do you stress yourself to prove your point to your colleagues?

Q34. Do you feel you / boss / colleague are bossy in nature?

Q35. Does any change in workplace frustrate you?

Q36. Do you come across as being proud / reserved / arrogant to your team?

Q37. Are you constantly plagued by negative thoughts about your workplace?

Q38. Are you leave projects incomplete and jump into new projects?

Q39. Do you lack the motivation / energy to progress at your workplace?

Q40. Do you carry grudges and want to seek revenge at your workplace?

If your reponse is a "Yes" or "Sometimes" for more than three questions, then we could be of help to you.

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