Cord Cutting:

When we have fear based attachments or addictions to a person or an object, we form etheric / energy leashes or cords to the person or object to prevent them from leaving or changing. The vice versa also holds true.

When we have fear based attachments or addictions to a person or an object, we form etheric / energy leashes or cords to the person or object to prevent them from leaving or changing. The vice versa also holds true.

These leashes or cords look like surgical tubing and grow larger and stronger over a period of time.

They act as energy vampires and drain us as we pass on negative thoughts and emotions back and forth. These fear-based cords are always unhealthy and dysfunctional resulting in mental, emotional and physical pain.

Cutting cords of attachments can help you heal and to move on….to release the past and step into your power and into a new possibility for growth.

E.g. after a divorce or breakup or any unhealthy relationship (boss & subordinate, personal relationship that is painful)


- Helps you heal physically, mentally and emotionally. - Repairs you energetically. - Helps to change the paradigm of your relationships. - Promotes wellbeing - Gives you deep sense of relief and peace - Helps you let go and bring about new positive opportunities - Recharges and transforms your life script and much more…

Energy Exchange: Rs. 2,950/- + GST per session.

Time per session: 60 minutes
