Quantum physics has proved that we all are Energy, vibrating at different frequencies.
Everything within and around us is also Energy – be it a thought, feeling, emotion.
Crystals actually vibrate at the same pitch as people and can be used to relieve suffering because of the resonance between the patient and the stone. Thus, combatting the vibration of illness or amplifying those of health.
Crystals have been extensively used among the spiritually aware for storing, providing and channeling energy.
When worn close to the body, they are found to work well on human energy fields.
Crystal therapy is non-invasive and can work together with other healing modalities.
With the recent swing towards holistic and alternative medicine, many people are turning to crystals, not only to cure ailments but to maintain optimum health.
Benefits of Crystal Healing:
It helps to:
- Break down resistance to allow positivity in our lives.
- Restore the balance and well - being of a person.
- Release blockages from the body, specially from the chakras (energy centers) resulting in physical and emotional peace.
- Instill sense of tranquility.
- Let go off attitude and habits that are stopping one from progressing.
- Heal chronic pain, illnesses, trauma, stress, anxiety, depression and more.
- Improve finances, growth in career and business etc.