0 – 7 years of childhood is a period when everything is taken in literally. So, if a child has been exposed to any incident which he takes as trauma, then this results into energy fragmentation. The child feels incomplete from inside as he is carrying baggage from his childhood.
So, inside each one of us is a young suffering child and the pain of this suffering comes from a deep place within us.
In inner child healing, we heal that part of ourselves which is fragmented and connect it within us. Our wounded psyche gets healed resulting in better psychological and emotional health.
Inner Child Healing helps to resolve issues like:
- Anxiety and Depression - Anger - Memories of childhood abuse: physical, emotional, mental, sexual - Low self – esteem and confidence - Guilt / shame / hatred / resentment / fears…. - Rejection and abandonment and much more….
Inner child healing is done under a relaxed state of hypnosis where the multiple inner children within you are spoken to, healed and integrated.
Energy Exchange: Rs. 2,950/- + GST per session.
Time per session: 60 minutes